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Blog archives for November 2006

Code Sorcery Workshop meets Woz!

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Just wanted to post a note that I went to Steve Wozniak's local iWoz book signing tonight here in DC. It was mentioned as the first time a book has sold out in advance of the author arriving. Congrats Woz! While it was a little too crowded to 'meet' him in any meaningful way, I hope I left a mark when he signed my MacBook Pro! He was generous enough to also sign my copy of iWoz.

I'd also like to note that though I've been a little quiet lately, work is happening behind the scenes. I've recently moved to freelancing and have freed up some more time to work on Pukka and other forthcoming projects. I'll try to live by the adage of "under promise, over deliver" so that's all I'll say about that for now ;-)

Keep the feedback coming in and I look forward to releasing some new goodies in the near future!