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Speaking of NetNewsWire...

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If you use NetNewsWire, you may be accustomed to the keystroke ⇧⌘P to send a link to Pukka. Alert reader and Pukka user Ben Jackson sent me an AppleScript which can replicate this behavior in Safari using a bit of Quicksilver magic.

I've mentioned Quicksilver before. It's a handy utility that lets you operate many functions on your Mac using the keyboard and shortcuts. Ben's script basically emulates the Pukka bookmarklet functionality (available in Pukka->Install Bookmarklet...). But, unlike using the bookmarklet in Safari, calling the AppleScript from Quicksilver lets you bind a specific key combination.

Ben writes:

I assigned it a trigger in Quicksilver bound to ⇧⌘P to match NetNewsWire's 'post to weblog' shortcut and restricted the scope to Safari.

Thanks for the tip, Ben! Getting beyond Safari's basic bookmark shortcuts is a big help to keeping the workflow moving along quickly.

Update: Ugh, I can't believe I didn't attach the original script. You can get it here. Thanks, Wess!

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So where is this script - let's have at it.

Hah - no problem. Thanks for posting it!

Can the same be done for Firefox? If so, how?

@Firas: I don't think that it can, because to my knowledge, Firefox can't be told to "do JavaScript" the way Safari and other WebKit-based browsers can.