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Blog Action Day: A simple thought

With today's Blog Action Day about the environment, I won't go into a long entry, but instead I want to impart a simple concept that really struck me when I saw a pre-screening of The 11th Hour here in DC in August.

The concept is this: that conventional economics is based upon the assumption that the natural environment is an infinite resource: timber, ores, water, animals to kill, and even places to bury things. While this may have seemed to be the case even 100 years ago, today it is patently not the case at all.

That's it. I try to think daily about which of my actions (and my business' actions) operate under this assumption and how I can correct that. Whether it's by better researching products and services, relying almost entirely on mass transit day-to-day, or making my opinion known to my representatives, this is on my mind every day. Ours and future generations must understand this concept or we are doomed.

For more environmentally-oriented thoughts, see EWG's Enviroblog, particularly today's Blog Action Day entry, Know Your Source, regarding the mainstream media and environmental reporting.

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