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Pets for the environment!

Congratulations to Environmental Working Group for launching Pets for the Environment yesterday! From the announcement:

According to the latest research from EWG, I'm the canary in the living room, soaking up more chemicals than you or your children.

New tests confirmed that I'm full of toxic industrial chemicals, and I'm barking mad. You should be, too. I grow 7 times faster than humans, so what happens to pets like me - increased cancer rates, for one - might be happening to people soon.

Did you know that the humans' government doesn't make companies test our toys, furniture, or even our food for safety?

I did a little work on this site (built in Drupal, by the way), but the bulk of the credit goes to the EWG team and Mike McCaffrey.

Clearly, this is a big problem and I look forward to more of EWG's research as this is something that is affecting our cat, too. Code Sorcery Workshop and Macy are definitely on board!

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