Just a note about a couple recent developments with Pukka and other services on the web.
First, I'm happy to announce that Pukka has been successfully supporting Pinboard for some time now. You can see the development of this on the support forum topic. Pinboard is a relatively new service which out of the gate has done a lot of things right. I believe it is run by former Yahoo! employees and they have used their experience with Delicious to rethink social bookmarking. They've been innovating at a fast pace, all the while blogging about their work. It's really refreshing to see rapid, iterative development in the social bookmarking space. They are paying attention to things that matter to today's bookmarkers -- services like Twitter, Instapaper, and Read It Later, dead link detection and bookmark archiving, mobile browsing, Google Reader support, and much more. Not to mention assurance of data integrity and scalability! Keep up the good work, Pinboard!
Second, I wanted to point out another innovative application called Quix. Quix is a bookmarklet that integrates features of many other bookmarklets. For example, you can use Quix's single bookmarklet in your browser as a way to work with Facebook, Delicious, Wikipedia, and Google, as well as a host of Mac applications such as MarsEdit, CSSEdit, ShoveBox, and of course, Pukka. You can check out the full list of services or have a look at a recent TUAW article about Quix, which specifically calls out Pukka.
Lastly, Pukka was recently again featured on MacBreak Weekly, a popular podcast by Leo Laporte, Merlin Mann and others. Pukka was first mentioned on the show about two years ago, when I was dismayed to hear Leo say that he didn't feel that Pukka should cost money. I'm glad to see that Leo has changed his tune in the latest show as he calls Pukka "spectacular" and "worth $17 to me". If you'd like to have a listen, download the episode and forward to about 1:25 in, pretty close to the end. Pukka is also featured prominently in the video version of the podcast as well.
Leo Laporte's web browser
(click to enlarge)
All in all, Pukka's been pretty busy lately. I'm glad to see it getting some press. As always, if there's something you'd like to see Pukka work with better, stop over on the forums and have your say.