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Blog archives for July 2006

New Pukka release: AppleScript and private posting!

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Well, it's finally out! After a chaotic July, we've put the finishing touches on Pukka 1.3 and it's available immediately. This version brings AppleScript support, private posting, and a small convenience feature -- now you can prevent Pukka from resetting after a post by holding down the Option key. That way, you can quickly post a link to two or more accounts without having to retype everything each time.

As for private posting, just turn it on the preferences and you're ready to go. We realize that is about social bookmarking, but as they have implemented private posting and you have asked for it, we wanted to provide the option.

Lastly, on the AppleScript front, you can now script many parts of Pukka's behavior. Here are two scripts to get you started, but check the AppleScript dictionary for the full details.

  • Bookmark current Safari page to read later: Takes the title, URL and any selected text for the frontmost Safari window and posts it tagged as "@toread", privately, with a mention of the referrer, to the account of your choice
  • Bookmark Google Maps for contacts: Takes the selected contact(s) in Address Book and posts a link to a Google Map of their home address to your account, privately, as well as opens the map in Safari

These are only demo scripts, and we're not really AppleScript junkies, so we'll leave it to you to come up with more great ideas on how to integrate Pukka into your workflow. Feel free to get in touch or leave a comment here with what you've got!

CocoaDevHouseWashington starting up tonight!

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CocoaDevHouse logo

Luis and I are happy to announce that we're getting CocoaDevHouseWashington off the ground! With some help and inspiration from Blake, the host of CocoaRadio, we are having the first meeting tonight at Murky Coffee in Arlington (map here).

Whether you're new to Cocoa, an old hand, or just curious about Mac development, feel free to stop by. I'll speak for both myself and Luis and say that we're both friendly and approachable, and I'm sure the others coming are as well.

See the wiki for more details and if you're local, we hope to see you there!

Any AppleScripters out there?

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AppleScript logo

As I mentioned previously, the next version of Pukka will have AppleScript support, among other new features. I'm looking for a couple people to test it out, specifically the AppleScript functionality. So, if you're interested and feel you know how AppleScript should be done, either leave a comment or send me an email and I'll hook you up.

Thanks in advance!

Pukka release coming soon

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A new release of Pukka is in the works and should be out very soon. Unfortunately, Code Sorcery Workshop experienced some damaging flooding in the past week during all of the severe weather and everything has been turned upside down for the time being. But the gnomes have been bailing water for a while now and although we are relocating, we will continue to bring updates once we get back into the swing of things. In the meantime, remember to give Pukka a spin and check out the screencast if you haven't already to see what you might be missing.

Stay dry!